
Is the training available to non-members?

Yes. In fact 80% of our enrolments are non-members.

What should I do if I’m sick and cannot attend training?

Please leave a message on our ‘Leave a Message’ form and let us know you’re not coming. Our admin staff check the inbox every morning and will notify the trainer.

Can I mix and match courses?

FLEXIBLE PACKAGES – Create your own training package. Select any 2 half day training courses to create a full days training. (Minimum numbers apply)

If I have a large group can I organise my own course dates?

GROUP BOOKINGS – Custom sessions can be organised for group bookings (minimum group sizes apply). Please leave a message using our ‘Cntact Us’ form and we’ll get back to you.

What is the USI (Unique Student Identifier)? Do I need it to enrol? Where and how do I get it?

For more information on how to get a USI and what it is CLICK HERE.

What’s the course date? Do you have more dates after that one?

Click on the ‘Dates and Booking’ button inside the course description to view the available dates. If the dates available are not suitable for you please leave a message using the contact form and we’ll notify you of the next course dates when they’re published.

I’m a NECA Member. Do I get a discount for training courses?

Not at this point in time.

When do I need to pay for my training?

Training MUST be paid for before attending a course.

Do you have other training centres in different locations?

Not at the moment. We’re investigating options in other parts of NSW and the ACT but nothing has been confirmed.

Do you offer onsite training?

Not normally. All our specialised equipment and computer rooms are set up in our training centre so it needs to remain on site. We have large scale commercial clients that we deliver on-site training for but these are arranged with them on a contract basis.

I’m after the Asbestos Awareness for ACT, can I do your course?

No. Our course is non accredited. The ACT has a specific requirement for accredited training.